C. Lucy R. Whitehead

C. Lucy R. Whitehead’s oeuvre is an exploration into the poetry of our physical form, confronting the truth that we are not mere occupants of our bodies but rather pilgrims up on the sacred landscape of flesh and bone. Through her use of vivid colors and bold forms, Whitehead maps the ephemeral nature of our existence—celebrating the bruise as much as the blush, the sag as much as the swell. Her art does not shy away from the realities of embodiment; instead, it delves into the rawness of being human, finding profound beauty in the fragile, fleeting nature of our physical selves. In the contours of her figures, we confront our own mortality, yet are reminded that within this temporal vessel lies the eternal soul, offering endless potential for grace, resilience, and metamorphosis.


Text © 2024 Jonelle Kourie