Born 1997, Copenhagen, DK
Lives and works Copenhagen, DK

BA in Art History from the University of Copenhagen, DK (2021)
She is represented by Andersen’s Contemporary (Copenhagen)
and VITRINE (London and Basel).

Solo exhibition: Weawing time, spinning spine, VITRINE, London, UK (2024)
Solo exhibition: Giving breath to birds, Independent Art fair, New York City, US (2023)
Solo exhibition: Follow the floweers, Andersen’s Contemporary, Copenhagen (2022)
Solo exhibition: Weightless are the hearts of the trees, Annka Kultys Gallery, London, UK (2022)
Sixi Museum, Shanghai, CN (Upcoming 2024)
Steve Turner Gallery, Los Angeles, US (Upcoming 2024)
Grønne Drømme, Filosoffen, Odense, DK (2023)
Reveron-Solar, El Castillete Artist Residency, Madrid, ES (2023)
C HART in Tivoli, public sculptures in Tivoli, Copenhagen, DK (2023)
The Earth has Music for those who Listen, Sapling, London, UK (2022)
Ojos de perro azul, Marinaro Gallery, New York City (2022)

Shortlisted for the Hopper Prize (2023)
Residency at El Castillete, Madrid, ES (2022)