Born 1995, Los Angeles (CA), US
Lives and works Los Angeles (CA), US

Self taught artist

Solo exhibition: “Altar Boy!”, Août Gallery, Beirut, LBN (2023)
“7th Annual Bozo Family Hoedown”, BozoMag Gallery, Los Angeles, US (2024)
“As Friends and Partners v2”, WOAW Gallery, Singapore, SG (2024)
“Dreams and Reflection”, Richard Heller Gallery, Los Angeles, US (2024)
Estampa Art Fair, Galería Yusto/Giner, Madrid, ES (2023)
“Adorned Self”, Sow & Tailor, Los Angeles, US (2023)
“Vibrant Escape”, WOAW Gallery, Hong Kong, HK (2023)
Art Central Art Fair, Vain Projects, Hong Kong, HK (2023)
“Playa de Skid Row”, Shit Art Club, Los Angeles, US (2022)
Impact: LA for Choice 2022, Anat Ebgi Gallery, Los Angeles, US (2022)
Colors Of Lebanon, Freddy Seikaly, Los Angeles, US (2022)
“Boiling Point”, Superposition Gallery, Los Angeles, US (2019)

RAMA Residency, Lisbon, PT (2022)
The Bunker ArtSpace Collection of Beth Rudin DeWoody, West Palm Beach, US (2020)