Juan Josè Heredia

Juan José Heredia, a soul intertwined with the boundless sea, discovers his essence through the act of painting — "I paint, therefore I exist." His profound connection to water is mystical, transforming his creative journey into a living, breathing entity.

With dye and oil, Heredia captures the ocean’s mystery and depth. His art embodies the spirit of water, flowing effortlessly with the rhythm of his inspiration. Embracing the tradition of painting en plein air, Heredia often begins his works at the beach, laying unstretched canvas on the sand. He allows natural elements such as rain, ocean water, and sand to freely interact with his paintings, infusing them with the very essence his environment. Heredia’s approach channels the timeless energy of the sea, crafting works that resonate deeply with the heart. Through his unique materials and intuitive technique, he reminds us that we are not separate from the world around us but intimately connected, like waves to the ocean. Heredia’s art invites us to dive into the depths of our own souls and explore our connection to existence, remembering that, in the end, we are all just walking each other home.