Patterns of Intimacy

11 January - 17 February 2024

Patterns of Intimacy, an exhibition that delves into the emotional and imaginative realms of two extraordinary artists, Gabi Dunayski and Hannah Tilson.


Gabi Dunayski: Exploring Redemption and Memory

"Patterns of Intimacy" explores Gabi's journey of redemption and self-discovery. Her art revisits and reimagines the past, turning memories and personal narratives into a visual exploration of distorted nostalgia. Each piece is a fragment of her story, inviting viewers to witness the transformation of personal experiences into universal truths.


Hannah Tilson: Dreamscapes of Intimacy and Imagination

In contrast, the exhibition explores Hannah's creation of dream-like worlds within worlds. Her vibrant, pattern-filled art invites you to revisit old dreams and inspires the birth of new ones. Hannah's work is an intimate dance of colors and forms, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy.