
The gallery is run by two passionate collectors who have made it their mission to make the international art market more accessible to the Munich art scene.


The gallery's program focuses on national and international emerging and mid-career artists. The gallery's philosophy is to discover emerging talents, present them to the national audience and offer their artworks before they are exhibited in major international galleries.


Decades of activity as a collector, especially of emerging art, have resulted in strong relationships with international galleries, curators and artists. This is reflected in the gallery's carefully selected program. The flair of the art scene in cities such as Brussels, London and Paris can now be found in the gallery in Munich.


Essentially, the gallery also wants to address the issue of education on the art market. Inexperienced art lovers are taken by the hand and accompanied on their journey to acquire works of art. The boundaries between the artistic creation process, the encounter and the collecting experience are blurred.